Do not forget that by removing fat by liposuction, lipolysis laser, including lipomatic, the patient does not lose weight, but he/she decreases size. Therefore, this is a misconception that some people believe that by this method they can dramatically lose weight. By this way, the patient will eventually lose between 5 and 10 kilograms. However, people with chronic obesity can reduce their weight considerably by laparoscopic methods, provided that the patient is the candidate for this surgery.

Is anyone allowed to do lipomatic surgery?
At the ages over 50 years, it is not advisable to do this surgery. Those with diseases like diabetes or smokers and those who are addicted to drugs are not good candidates for this method because they are not free of complications. In the case of diabetics, they can undergo surgery if their diabetes is under control. It is necessary to perform examinations, for example, blood glucose control, and other vital treatments before the surgery. Also, people suffering from anemia should not do the operation. Apart from the above, people with the following problems are not included in the list of candidates for the surgery:
- Liver problems
- Kidney problems
- blood pressure
- Some Congenital Diseases
- Some diseases that cause bleeding
How long is the recovery time?
Recovery time after the lipomatic surgery is too short compared to other methods. This course may take between two to three days, but one must take care of himself/herself one month after the operation.

How about laparoscopy? Is the recovery time longer?
Yes, a person should be hospitalized between two to three days after laparoscopy, and after that, he should rest at home from 15 days to one month because it is considered a massive operation.
Can all parts of the body with localized obesity be treated with laparoscopic surgery?
Almost the abdomen, waist, thighs, arms and double chin can be treated with this method. However, the calves and forearms do not respond well, and therefore it is advised not to use this method to treat obesity in those areas. It is best to know that, in areas where fat is accumulated, laparoscopy responds better compared to regions with more muscles or less fat.
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