One of the problems that may happen to men is the loss of beard hair, or maybe there is a little or no hair growth from the very young age in some parts of the beard. In this method, unnecessary roots of the beard are removed in order to thicken the areas with little hair. To do so, useless roots on the cheekbones are removed and transplanted underneath those areas. This procedure is carried out by a specialist precisely and accurately using needles between 0.6 and 0.7 mm with no scars left. Likewise, the roots can be removed from the chest, the lower part of the beard, the lower part of the back of the neck and even the cheekbones, and then easily transplanted in required parts. On the other hand, this is considered as a significant advantage, because removing roots from dense parts that do not look so good can cause permanent elimination of unwanted hair, so in that part of your body, you will get rid of the hair.

Is it normal if the transplanted hairs fall out?
Usually, for transplanting, a lot of hair is not required, and this is the benefit of this type of surgery. If the beard falls slightly, restoration of the beard will be done taking into account the density of the surrounding area. For example, if a person cannot grow a beard, depending on his taste and his particular condition, often between 1000 to 3000 roots will be transplanted.
The interesting point is that generally 3000 roots have excellent results, and if the transplant is performed only in the mustache area, 400 to 800 roots will be sufficient. Usually, the part of the skin where the hair is removed is pink after one to two weeks, but the advantage is that in that area (on the body or behind the neck) there is no trace of scarring and no need to worry about it. Experience has proved to us that even when 10000 roots are removed from the back of the neck, it is still not recognizable
What should we be aware of after transplanting the beard?
- After the surgery, the area where the hair is removed from will become red due to the formation of the blood clots (done with a needle), but it is not a problem, and luckily, after a shower, the effect will be easily disappeared.
- Parts of the face where the beard and mustache are transplanted can be washed 24 to 48 hours after the operation, and the beard is revealed by cleansing the blood clots and is like a person's beard that has not been shaved for two or three days.
- Of course, in the area of hair transplantation, the blood flow is increased, and because of that, small red spots will appear within two to three days. These red spots will disappear after one to two weeks and do not leave any traces.
- It is essential that you do not shave the beard or mustache until six months after transplantation. It is usually recommended to perform the first shave after at least six months.
- After two weeks, some parts of the transplanted beard and mustache will temporarily fall out which is called a postoperative shock, but you should not worry since 4 to 8 months later all the lost roots will be re-grown and replaced.
- On the other hand, the increase in quality of hair roots continues in two years.

From what age the transplantation of beard can be done?
Regarding the age, transplantation of beard and mustache can be started from the age of 20 to 22, because the hormones at these ages are at the base level. This method is suitable for men who want to enhance their hair at the back of the ears and have a two-day-worn beard, but their hair grows imperfectly or irregularly.
Who are the suitable candidates for this operation?
The transplantation of beard and mustache is naturally done for men who do not have a beard or some healthy men who have regional baldness in their beard. One of the most commonly used methods is transplantation in an area where there is a scar.
Beard and mustache transplantation can be done by specialists for anyone who has hair on their scalp. As mentioned above, the transplantation of the beard is performed by removing the hair roots from thin-haired segments, for example, the upper part of the back of the neck or the ears.
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