How to lose weight using gastric sleeve method?
Weight loss with the gastric sleeve is a type of surgery that can be helpful for those who seek weight loss.
What is gastric sleeve?
Gastric sleeve surgery is a popular treatment for patients with obesity who are seeking weight loss. In this method, with the help of a simple surgery, they achieve ideal conditions for weight loss, which has the least possible long-term complications.
Gastric sleeve is a surgical procedure that restricts food intake, leading to weight loss. In this method, which is usually performed with laparoscopy, the surgeon takes out about 75% of the stomach. Eventually, a tubular sleeve-shaped stomach which can accommodate much fewer food remains. This method is most recommended in people with a BMI greater than 40 and with pear-shaped obesity.
Slimming with gastric sleeve:
Restrictive surgeries such as gastric sleeve surgery can help reduce the size of the stomach and help lose weight. With a smaller stomach, you'll feel full a lot faster than before. After a stomach sleeve surgery, you need to make a lot of changes to your diet, including having fewer meals and less food variety to reduce your weight.
This surgery is done by creating a large incision in the abdomen (an open surgery) or by a few small incisions using a tool and a camera for conducting the surgery (laparoscopic procedure).
More than half of the stomach is removed, a thin vertical sleeve or a tube that is as large as a banana will remain. Surgical clips keep the new stomach closed. In gastric sleeve, part of the stomach is removed which is irreversible.
Sometimes this is the first step in weight loss which has several steps. If you need to have a significant reduction in weight prior to a duodenal operation, gastric sleeve may be helpful.
Benefits of gastric sleeve surgery:
Gastric sleeve surgery has advantages including:
- Hunger reduction and loss of appetite;
- Shorter procedure time compared to gastric bypass;
- Keeping the intestines in the digestive tract;
- No digestive problems due to lack of part of the intestine;
- Keeping the pyloric part in the stomach;
- No need for special settings;
- No need to place a foreign body in the body;
- Weight loss during more than 18 months after surgery;
Failure in weight loss with gastric bypass surgery or gastric sleeve surgery is significantly lower than other methods. However, this method, like many other major stomach surgical procedures, is irreversible and puts patients at increased risk for long-term nutritional deficiencies.
Postoperative Care after gastric sleeve surgery:
Some people have abdominal pain and might need to take painkillers for the first week or after surgery to treat postoperative pain. Incisions made by your doctor may be painful.
Since this procedure reduces the size of the stomach, you will soon feel full.
Food may also be rapidly expelled into the small intestine, called a dumping syndrome, which can cause diarrhea, weakness, tremor, and nausea. Moreover, not enough nutrients will reach the body.
The duration of recovery depends on the type of surgery (open or laparoscopic). If you have open surgery, you should avoid heavy lifting or intensive exercises when healing. You will probably be able to return to work within 4 to 6 weeks. Surgery is often done with a laparoscopic technique so that recovery will be faster.
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