foot and ankle surgery includes a variety of operations. these surgeries such as Toe fusion or Achilles Tendon Surgeries can help damaged or deformed tissue heal, or regain its normal shape. what is important, is the post operation recovery tips and care which determine whether your surgery results are going to be permanent or not. read on to find out more.
Foot and ankle surgery is referred to a number of surgeries that are operated on foot and ankle. The surgeries consist of a range of procedures including correcting the joints, lengthening the tendons, and ankle fixation. The type of foot and ankle surgery can affect the procedure, recovery time, and the cost of the surgery.
Foot and ankle are not the largest body organs but with 26 bones and 33 joint, they are certainly some of the most complex ones. The surgery can fix many issues relating to this complex part of the body including:
Bunions treatment: Bunions are the painful prominent joints on the base of the big toe. They can easily get swollen and sore, not to mention the hassle of not being able to find appropriate shoes. The number of surgical techniques to get rid of bunions can count up to over 45. But basically in almost each of these procedures, the surgeon might try to cut off a part of the bone or tissue and/or straighten or realign the toe. In most cases, bunions treatment surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure and wouldn't take more than 2 hours. The administrated anesthesia could be general, local, or a combination of both.
Hammer toe surgery: People who are suffering from hammer/claw toes are almost always worried about the appearance of their feet and how it affectsthe surrounding toes. If untreated, claw toes can lead to severe pain and discomfort. The deformity can be treated in a series of procedures performed in one-session foot surgery. The surgeon might try to release the tight tendons; and if that doesn’t work, he/she might cut the bone and use pins to hold the bones and joints in place. The surgery is almost always outpatient and the patient is put under general or local anesthesia or a combination of the techniques.
Toe fusion: Some people have restrictions about moving their toe upward or downward due to conditions such as arthritis. Toe fusion is a treatment to get rid of arthritis and the joint damage associated with it. Aside from treating arthritis, toe fusion can also treat severe forms of bunions. The procedure involves making an incision on the top of the toe, opening the joint, and trimming bony lumps. Then, the surgeon uses screws, staples, or small plates to fix the joint surfaces together. The surgery can take between 45 minutes to an hour. The main advantage of toe fusion surgery is the fact that it is a definite surgery relieving the pain associated with arthritis permanently.
Neuroma treatment surgery: Neuroma brings on a sensation of burning, tangling and a feeling like having a pebble in the shoe. The thickening of the tissue around the nerves is the main cause of neuromas. It can be resolved by removing the inflamed nerves during a surgical procedure. Neuroma treatment surgery is an outpatient surgery taking 1-2 hours under regional or general anesthesia.
Ankle Fracture Fixation: Facture can occur in the ankle joints that provide stability and mobility. The condition is most frequently resolved by performing a surgical procedure which consists of realigning the bones and using plates and screws to hold them in place.
Achilles Tendon Surgeries: A ruptured tendon can cause great discomfort. It can be treated by Achilles tendon repair surgery. Achilles tendon lengthening is another type of Achilles tendon surgery. It can successfully treat diabetic foot to lift the pressure off the foot.
There are some basic post-op instructions for people who have undergone foot and ankle surgery.