Hip Replacement

Hip replacement surgery is renowned as the most successful surgery of all times. The hip pain doesn't have to keep you from participating in the day to day activities. The treatment is the ultimate pain-relief technique. Consider getting it done in a country ranked as one of the top countries offering joint replacement surgery.

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Moheb Mehr Hospital
Moheb hospital is one of the Iranian pioneers in serving foreign patients as a routine service. Since 2004, patients were coming around the world mostly for Kidney transplantation and urology non-invasive surgeries. Soon the excellent resu…

Hip Replacement Surgery in Iran

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How is hip replacement surgery done?

In most cases, hip replacement surgery is performed while you are put under general anesthesia. The procedure begins with making an incision on the front (anterior) or back of your hip (posterior). Through this incision, the surgeon can remove damaged cartilage or bone that is causing problems within your hip. In a total hip replacement, the entire hip joint needs to be removed; while in the hemi hip replacement, only a half of the joint that is damaged is replaced by artificial joints. 

For putting the hip replacement implant into its place, the surgeon can take one of the two possible approaches; they will either cement the implant into place or press-fit it letting the bone grow into the artificial joint. Both techniques offer similar results. Press-fitted implants require more recovery time since the bone needs to grow. Cemented implants can quickly attach to the bone but are particularly recommended for older adults and people with minimal activity.

Depending on your individual case, the entire procedure can take between one to three hours.

Best hip replacement material

Generally, a hip implant material can be metal, plastic, or ceramic. But a single hip implant can be composed of several parts and consequently of various materials. 

Basically, our natural hip is made up of two major components; the socket and the ball. In a total hip replacement surgery, four components are put together to replace these natural parts and create the new hip. Each part has a particular function and can be made of a certain material:

  • Acetabular component (socket): metal, ceramic or plastic with an outer metal shell
  • Acetabular liner (to facilitate the ball's movement in the socket): a durable type of plastic
  • Femoral head (ball): metal, plastic or ceramic
  • Femoral stem (replaces the thigh bone): metal that usually istitanium, titanium cobalt, stainless steel, cobalt-chromium alloys, or a combination of titanium and cobalt.

A good and reliable hip implant material should be able to fulfill certain requirements. It should be strong and flexible providing simplified movement, have a good 5-10-years lifespan and be of the brand and style that your surgeon is most familiar with. Also, a suitable hip replacement implant should meet your individual conditions and needs. For example, people who are allergic to nickel are suggested to select biocompatible options to prevent complications.

All different available implant materials are aimed at providing simplicity of use and flexibility of movement similar to natural hips. By knowing that your surgeon is an expert in his/her area, you can make sure they will choose whatever works best for you. When in doubt, you can have a free consultation with our healthcare professionals; just come say hi to us via WhatsApp or Email.      

Hip replacement for elderly

Most hip replacement candidates are older adults who are between 50 to 80; This is because severe osteoarthritis affects them more than it could affect younger individuals. Although hip replacement is one of the most successful operations, you might be concerned about what undergoing hip replacement surgery could entail for you or your loved ones as an elderly.

Older adults with damaged hips might as well be facing other conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease or problems with the lung. These "co-morbidities" can increase the risks associated with the surgery. As a result, you might be asked to provide your medical track record or get tested prior to the surgery. Using the information, the doctor can monitor your conditions accordingly during and after the surgery. 

Is it time for a hip replacement?

Hip replacement surgery is often the last resort recommended after all other less invasive methods are prescribed. When the hip pain limits your everyday activities, you can always rely on the miraculous results the surgery can bring. Keeping an eye on the early signs will help you decide whether you really need undergoing the surgery or not.        

Hip replacement early signs

Hip replacement surgery could be recommended for inflammatory conditions or rheumatoid arthritis. It could also be suggested by your orthopedic surgeon to treat an injured hip or broken femur. But, most frequently, hip replacement surgery is advised for grave osteoarthritis when other techniques like medications, physiotherapy, or walking aids cannot help minimize the symptoms. Some common symptoms are as follows:

  • Groin discomfort and thigh pain while walking, standing, getting in and out of the car or twisting your body when you are putting your shoes on.
  • Increased and constant pain at nights.
  • Limping and walking problems
  • A stiff feeling in the hip that limits lifting or moving your leg

Before you get hip replacement surgery

Like any other major surgery, the preparations for hip replacement surgery begin weeks before the actual appointment. The more prepared you are for the procedure, the more you can ensure optimal outcomes and faster recovery. 

In a free consultation with our specialists, you might be asked to take a complete physical examination. This is to ensure you are healthy enough to undergo the surgery and recover from it. Our healthcare professionals might also ask you to provide the results of some additional medical evaluations and tests: 

  • Blood/urine samples
  • Electrocardiogram (EKG)
  • Chest x-rays
  • MRI scan

A general rule of thumb is to avoid blood-thinners such as pain-killers and anti-inflammatory drugs for at least two weeks prior to the surgery. You can speak with an expert concerning the medications you are currently taking and they will advise you whether it is okay to continue using them in the weeks preceding to the surgery.

Make sure you have someone to assist you during the several weeks after the surgery. A week before the suregery might be a good time to ask someone from your family or a social worker to accompany you during the journey. If someone you know is going to undergo the procedure, ensure that they have all the things they need for after the operation. They are most likely to be able to walk using a walker or crutches; but, activities such as running errands, bathing, or doing the house chores might require your help.

Stop eating and drinking anything including water after midnight before the surgery.

Preparation steps for the surgery must include you and your home. Take the necessary measures to ensure a post-op friendly home environment. 

  • Attach handrails and safety bars in essential areas in your home. E.g. in the bathroom or along the staircase.
  • Have a stable shower bench for bathing
  • Provide firm seat cushions and pillows on your sofa, chairs, and car seat to make sure your keens are positioned lower than your hips.
  • Put items that you need every day at the arm's reach

Hip replacement cost in Iran

Hip replacement cost in Iran can add up to $3000 - $5000. In Iran, like any other place in the world, the cost of a hip replacement can vary based on your condition, the surgeon and hospital fee, and the amount of time you intend to stay in the hospital. Still, an average cost of $4000 is nothing compared to how much they charge elsewhere which could be something between $10000 and $30000. 

This is quite a bargain; especially given the quality medical service you receive in return. Iranian orthopedic surgeons are exemplary in what they do and that is no news to anyone who is an expert in the medical world. Iranian hospitals are another factor contributing to the satisfactory outcome patients experience in Iran. You can explore different options on your own on this page or click on the free quote button for a free consultation with healthcare professionals. 

Post-operation recovery and aftercare

The procedure requires between 3 to 5 days of hospital stay. In the hospital, you will gradually start moving around with assistance. A physiotherapist will make sure you can move with ease. Still, certain movements and activities will be restricted for up to a few weeks. In the final days at the hospital, moving about the room gets easier and you can walk short distances without help.

As soon as you leave the hospital, you should continue looking after yourself exactly the way your orthopedic surgeon instructed you about. These instructions include:

  • Keep the incision area dry
  • Keep your legs facing forward while sitting or standing
  • Use ice to minimize pain and swelling
  • Do not cross your legs for the first 8 weeks after the surgery
  • Don't bend at the waist more than 90 degrees
  • Perform physical therapy exercises regularly


Exercise sessions are particularly crucial. You can start exercising as soon as you are ready. At first, you might find it hard to engage in some of the movements; stop when you feel like your muscles are hurting. But, do not give up continuing the activities. The medical care team will probably provide you with a comprehensive exercise guide based on your individual medical condition. Here are some basic movements to help you prevent blood clots and strengthen your muscles after the surgery:

  • Ankle exercises: perform ankle pumps (pushing your foot up and down) and ankle rotations about 4 to 3 times a day.
  • Straight leg raises: fully straighten your legs on the bed. Lift one leg at a time and hold for 5 to 10 seconds.
  • Buttock contractions: tighten the muscles on your lower back and hold still while counting to five. Repeat the exercise nine more times.
  • Standing hip abduction: stand straight and lift one leg out to the side. You can get help by holding your hands on the back of a chair or any firm surface.
  • Stairs climbing: this is a great exercise for straightening your muscles. At first, climb stairs that are no more than 7 inches high. Remember to begin this exercise by climbing on one leg. Ascend the stairs with the good leg and descend them with your bad one.

Planning on undergoing hip replacement surgery in Iran? You will be staying in Iran for a minimum of 1 to 3 weeks. This period is crucial for ensuring efficient recovery and keeping up with the follow-up medical appointments after the surgery. You are most welcome to stay in this beautiful country for more weeks. Afterall, you cannot return to work for another 3 weeks. 

Risks and side effects

Hip replacement surgery results are usually more successful than any other surgery. A large number of patients report almost complete pain relief that enables them to get back to performing their daily activities with ease. 

But, that doesn't mean there is zero chance of complications occurring. Taking your surgeon's instructions for granted can trigger risks that can occur with any surgery, including:

  • Infection
  • Blood clots
  • Ending up with one leg shorter than another
  • Implant dislocation
  • Nerve injury


Is hip replacement safe?

Yes; In fact, according to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, hip replacement surgery is one of the most successful, complication-free operations ever.

Does hip replacement surgery hurt?

As much as hip replacement surgery can free you from the unbearable arthritis pain, it could be followed by moderate aching for a couple of weeks after the surgery. Your surgeon will probably prescribe pain medications to help you manage the discomfort. 

Can hip replacement make you taller?

A double hip replacement can reportedly increase your height. However, it will be a slight change about an inch or less.

Do hip replacements wear out?

In very rare cases, hip implants can become loose leading to hip replacements' wearing out.

Do hip replacements hurt in the cold?

For the first couple of years, your bone is growing and adapting to the new implants. As a result, some people could develop a degree of joint sensitivity to weather or pressure. That should resolve in a few years. 

Do hip replacements cause cancer?

Some studies are being conducted about whether artificial joints can lead to cancer in the patient. Results are still indeterminate.

How long hip replacement last?

In most cases, cemented hip implants can last for up to 20 years.

Hip replacement- implant components
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