Tummy tuck surgery, also known as abdominoplasty, is a highly demanded procedure in Iran. It is a perfect option for people who are otherwise healthy but wish to have a firm and flat stomach. Tummy tuck is an efficient procedure to ensure well-tone muscles in the stomach area. If you are considering undergoing a tummy tuck surgery, it is vital that you learn more about its basic features.
Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck is a surgical procedure to remove excess belly fat, skin, or muscle that is contributing to an unappealing profile. It removes the unwanted fat along with lifting the abdominal skin and repairing the weakened muscles in the area. If additional fat is left in other areas of the abdomen, liposuction is carried out along with abdominoplasty. By tightening the muscles underneath the skin, tummy tuck surgery provides a flat profile that cannot be easily obtained with a normal diet or exercise. In some cases, tummy tuck also helps enhance waist narrowing. As opposed to what some commercial products such as tummy tuck belts suggest, there is no efficient non-surgical way to get rid of the excess skin and fat.
The surgery can remove excess fat from almost the entire abdomen area (complete abdominoplasty) or merely the fat that is below the navel area (mini/partial tummy tuck). If the plastic surgeon decides that you need a complete abdominoplasty, he or she will make a horizontal incision somewhere between the pubic hair area and your bellybutton. Then, excess fat and skin are removed from the stomach and the weakened muscles are repaired. He or she might also move your belly button by making an additional incision around the navel to have access to the underneath fat. You may need to have drainage attached to the surgical area after the complete procedure.
Post-operatively, the surgeon suggests 1-3 days of hospital stay. You can leave Iran in a couple of weeks but consult with your surgeon beforehand. If your job is not physically demanding, you can get back in 2 or 3 weeks. Otherwise, you should take time off work for more weeks. It is recommended that you do not get back to sever exercises in under 6 weeks.
When the patient is suffering from minor belly fat, a mini-abdominoplasty is a more efficient, less invasive option. In this procedure, the same horizontal incision is made from one hipbone to another. However, the plastic surgeon doesn't need to make any alterations to your belly button. A mini tummy tuck is also known as partial tummy tuck and could be performed in under 2 hours.
Many patients are concerned about the initial results. At first, all the swelling and bruises around the incision could obscure the result of the surgery. After the redness is diminished, the scar will fade away to some extent but not entirely. A number of studies report some patients may experience numbness in the abdominal area for months after the surgery.
Tummy tuck surgery helps you achieve a flat stomach that fits in your favorite shirt. Sometimes, no matter how many diets you go on or which strenuous exercise you try, that excess belly fat doesn't seem to go away. Well, abdominoplasty is the answer to your prayers. Factors such as aging, heredity reasons, and previous pregnancies can lead to weakened stomach muscles and increase the amount of fat in the abdomen area. With a tummy tuck, you can fight these aftereffects.
However,abdominoplasty is not a weight-loss procedure. If you are someone who is overweight, you should lose some weight before undergoing abdominoplasty; because tummy tuck results might be affected by the weight-loss process. Also, if you are likely to get pregnant in the future, you should consider postponing the surgery to at least a year after the childbirth. In a nutshell, abdominoplasty surgery is recommended for people older than 18, with a BMI of about 30 who are otherwise healthy and are not planning on getting pregnant in the future.
A tummy tuck is an efficient but invasive procedure; so you might wonder why you should bother going abroad for the surgery.
Iran is affordable: Iran is not the only country in the world where abdominoplasty is performed with the most refined techniques, but it certainly is the cheapest one. American society of plastic surgeons reports that the cost of a tummy tuck is $6,253. In turkey, tummy tuck's cost would amount up to $2394. How much does abdominoplasty cost in Iran? Surprisingly enough, you can undergo a tummy tuck surgery in Iran starting from $1,000.
Iran is one of the top 5: Plastic surgery is the expertise of numerous Iranian surgeons. People from various countries find Iran's medical service highly devoted and exceedingly helpful. Surgeons such as professor Yahya Adl have paved the way for Iranian surgeons to be as popular as they are today.
The steps leading to a successful tummy tuck surgery should begin months before the actual day of the surgery. Taking these precautions is vital especially if you are going to undergo a complete abdominoplasty.
After abdominoplasty surgery, it is normal to feel slight discomfort and disability to stand upright. You may be suggested to take pain medications and antibiotics to ease the pain. You are likely to see some bruising and swelling in the incision area. Wearing wide compression belts known as the abdominal binder can help relieve pain and reduce the swelling in the area. Tummy tuck doctors usually suggest some basic instructions; following these directions, will help a quicker recovery and fewer complications.
Abdominoplasty has a slightly higher risk rate compared to other procedures. Reportedly, 4% of patients have experienced complications following the surgery. However, by choosing an accredited surgeon, you can reduce the possibility of any risk.
Patients report experiencing moderate pain during recovery. The pain is a result of the procedure and your movements that affect the incisions. It is manageable and you can reduce it by avoiding sever activities, and taking some over the counter medications.
A tummy tuck does not specifically target stretch marks; however, since an abdominoplasty gets rid of excess skin, most of the stretch marks below the belly button will be potentially removed too.
A long horizontal incision should be made by the plastic surgeon during the surgery. The scar, although permanent, will fade away over time.
It is not impossible to get pregnant after a tummy tuck surgery. Your body is a wonderful thing and can perfectly accommodate the baby growing by stretching just enough; you might feel some discomforts though. Also, the pregnancy will somehow undo the effects of your abdominoplasty.